Fucking Punish Ignorant Nikoli
(too old to reply)
Butch Ricker
20 years ago
Subject: Fucking Punish Ignorant Nikoli

These are Ignorant Nikoli's stupid rules -
Which one of these are you:
A man who used to be a Woman?
A Woman who used to be a Man?
A Hermaphrodite?
Not sure?
Sexually abused?

Girls deserve the same fuckup boys go through.

I my virism paradise, the following are treated in order from best to worst:

1. Animals [excluding humans]
2. Living organisms other than humans and animals
3. Little boy humans
4. Biological mothers of male humans but not other female humans
5. Inanimate objects
6. Adult male humans
7. Adult female humans who are not biological mothers
8. Biological mothers of female humans but not that of male humans
9. Little girl humans

The following is the eye for an eye punishment in my heaven of virism.
Remembers its too-goo-to-be-true.

1. A man-to-girl rape for a man-to-boy rape

2. A boy-to-girl rape for a man-to-boy rape

3. A man-to-girl rape for a woman-to-girl rape

4. A boy-to-girl rape for a woman-to-girl rape

5. A man-to-girl rape for a boy-to-boy rape

6. A boy-to-girl rape for a boy-to-boy rape

7. A man-to-girl rape for a girl-to-boy rape

8. A boy-to-girl rape for a girl-to-boy rape

9. A man-to-girl rape for a woman-to-boy rape

10. A boy-to-girl rape for a woman-to-boy rape

11. A man-to-girl rape for a girl-to-girl rape

12. A boy-to-girl rape for a girl-to-girl rape

In my too-good-to-be-true heaven of radical virism:

1. Girls are forced to do all the rough dirty outdoor work while boys may
stay home in safety
2. Girls are forcefully separated from each other
3. Lesbianism is a violently fucking condemned act
4. Girls having a "good time" together is always misconstrued as lesbianism
5. Girls are forced to go to school and blow their heads off with
brain-frying mental work which does not make them learn anything. All it
does is stress them out. The mental work is so difficult they most of them
end up with myopia, eyestrain, headaches, and increased risk of brain
hemorrhage. All "teachers" are male and extremely strict and cruel to girls
but nice to boys. Teachers are gentle with boys, don't touch boys, don't say
anything indecent around boys, and give boys personal space. Boys are given
free high-quality civilized education.
6. Girls are not allowed to contact each other to any extent
7. Boys may do whatever they want to girls
8. Girls may not cause injury to, touch, talk to, or otherwise enter the
"space" of boys. Girls are not allowed to touch boys even when boys "start
9. Girls are not allowed in any indoor environment.
10. Girls are forced to live in the outdoor dirt.
11. Boys are allowed and encouraged to be effeminate in all manners [e.g.
female clothes, showing emotion, crying]
12. Girls are violently forbidden from showing any emotion or feeling
13. Girls are violently forbidden from being "tomboys"
14. All tomboys are violently condemned even with the slightest suspicion
15. Boys are allowed and encouraged to be "mama's boys".
16. Boys are allowed to show consensual innocent affection for each other.
17. Boys are encouraged to show emotion, love their mothers, cry, show
affection for each other, and to harm girls. The only females who gain any
respect are mothers of males. Men/boys are encouraged and expected to
respect their mothers.
18. Girls aren't treated for any disease.
19. When a boy is least bit in pain or even slight irritation, the emergency
systems come to his rescue
20. A girl never gets help no matter how much of agony she is in.
21. Girls who express themselves are violently condemned
22. Girls are not allowed any luxury. Boys are given all luxury.
23. Boys are kept as clean, healthy, and uninjured as possible.
24. Girls aren't
25. Boys are almost always in the protection of their clean, healthy,
medically-examined home.
26. Girls OTOH are left to suffer in the outdoor dirt of soil, tar, cement,
hot weather, dust, pollen, allergens, their sweat, their sebum, their waste
products and other dirt. These girls are bestially monitored by the indoor
boys and boys' mother to make sure that they don't cause them any trouble.
27. If the above aren't retributive enough, girls are made to submit to the
advanced of boys and men without any fighting back or talking back.
28. The more effeminate a man/boy is, the more respect he gets
29. The smaller a boy is, the more respect he gets
30. The younger a boy is, the more respect he gets
31. The weaker a man/boy is, the more respect he gets
32. Boys are given more respect than men
33. Boys live a fun, clean, easy, smooth, comfortable childhood of indoor
34. Girls live a anger-causing, dirty, toilsome, rough, terrifying childhood
of outdoor work.
35. Boys have rights
36. Girls have responsibilities
37. Boys get their free lunches
38. Girls must pay lots of money if they want any of their basic needs met.
39. Boys are discouraged from doing any work. Boys are allowed to live a
heavenly, fear-free childhood.
40. 99% of girls' salaries goes to boys. Taxes! Girls must pay taxes to
41. As a result, few girls actually survive childhood. Boys always survive.
42. Male-to-girl violence is always perpetrated in the outdoor public. Never
in private. Always in public, because boys/men know they will not face any
social condemnation. If fact, society will encourage them.
43. Girls' meat is fed to the wolves
44. Girls' blood is fed to vampire bats
45. Girls' fat is used to treat animals afflicted with the ailment of dry
46. Girls' milk is used to feed to poor helpless calves.
47. Girls' corpses are used as plant food like manure is.
48. Girls' feces are used as fertilizer
49. A girl is:
A. Forced [by men and boys] to smell bad
B. Smelled by men and boys
C. Called "stinky girl" by men and boys
D. Forced -- by threats of physically-painful torture from men and boys --
to degrade herself by singing "I am a stinky girl who stinks like my kakaa"
in front of men and boys.
50. Girl-abuse is perpetrated by men/boys only
51. Male-to-girl abuse is perpetrated by a man/boy that the girl does not
know or trust. For one girl, there are at least 4 attackers. Threats of
physical pain and death are used to make her submit. This abuse take place
outdoors in the outdoor public
52. Boys who cry are comforted
53. Men who try to "toughen" boys are slowly and painfully killed as
54. Men are forced to give boys their personal space
55. It is okay for a boy to be effeminate
56. Boys are free to choose any gender role they want
57. Girls aren't allowed to choose their gender role.
58. Girls do the rough, odor-causing, feces-causing, sweat-causing, out-door
work while boys are clean and safe
59. Boys are keep completely clean. Shower, soap, shampoo, toothpaste, h202,
toothbrush, tongue-brush, flosser, vaseline, ginger, fresh comfortable
clothes, deodorant, anti-perspirant, air-conditioned environment.
60. People eat little-human-girl-meat
61. People drink little-human-girl-milk
62. Men/big boys who are "convicted" of chivalry are burnt to death along
with 10 girls.
63. Anti-sexual, heterophobic, pedophilic, macho, chivalrous bigots are
sexecuted and physically-tortured to death along with 10 girls. These men
are forced to sexecute the girls prior to these men's deaths.
64. Little boys sexecuting little girls is an everyday thing. It is done
openly in the outdoor public. It is acceptable and encouraged.
65. Men/boys sexecuting girls is an everyday thing. It is done in the
outdoor public. It is acceptable and encouraged.
66. Men/boys who abuse little boys in any manner have their sex-organs
coal-flamed along with 10 girls. These men/boys and girls are sexecuted as
67. Men/boys aren't allowed near little boys. Any man-to-boy contact is
always misconstrued as homosexual pedophilia and the man is sexecuted and
burnt to death along w/ 10 girls.
68. Man-to-girl and boy-to-girl sexecution occurs in the outdoor public. All
perps are men/boys the girls don't trust or know. All in the outdoor public
with total strangers.
69. Sex w/ underage boys is an act that receives great condemnation. If a
boy kisses a girl, even then the girl can be charged with rape and be hung
by her vagina as a punishment.
70. Non-human living organisms are treated better than humans
71. Women -- other than mothers' of males -- are not allowed to be with
72. Bigger boys are forced to sacrifice themselves for smaller boys.
73. Male homosexuality is freely permitted as long as all involved [e.g.
participants, viewers, etc.] are healthy consenting adults.
74. Fucking put a goddamned, cocksucking, motherfucking end to all of
ignorant Nikoli's goddamned, cocksucking, motherfucking rules - Nikoli
deserves to fucking be fucking punished, once and for all!! Nikoli is a
20 years ago
wow butch are you bipolor?
Martin Edwards
20 years ago
Post by chr
wow butch are you bipolor?
Ihave repeatedly reported this asshole to MCI. I always get an
automatic response, but nothing ever happens.
You can't fool me: there ain't no Sanity Clause. -Chico Marx

20 years ago
i hate his man made spam. people know he must be sick or something.. only
think i think i could do about it is get his IP number and hope it does not
Post by Martin Edwards
Post by chr
wow butch are you bipolor?
Ihave repeatedly reported this asshole to MCI. I always get an
automatic response, but nothing ever happens.
You can't fool me: there ain't no Sanity Clause. -Chico Marx
L D Blake
20 years ago
Post by chr
i hate his man made spam. people know he must be sick or something.. only
think i think i could do about it is get his IP number and hope it does not
Just put him in your killfiles... your blood pressure will thank you.

